
About TIME weekly influential man and give Luo Jiahui's open letter

About TIME weekly influential man and give Luo Jiahui's open letter

"China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu
Comments • The one hundred ninety-nine 

Translator: God has eyes

See the World Wide Web one from World
Journal "expose Xi a secretary general Premier Wen possessions? Luo Jiahui anxious: dry than the White House!" Reports, said: "U.S. Ambassador to China
Gary Luo Jiahui said on the 17th, the U.S.
government is not involved in planning the"
Bloomberg "(Bloomberg) news agency reported
that Chinese leaders Xi Jinping family hundreds
of millions of dollars worth of assets, or the New
York Times published Wen Jiabao The family's
wealth. '

"World News" reporter apparently lack of
acting, actually a "radical" adjective. Luo Jiahui
Ambassador anxious not outside media exposure
habits total temperature and total possessions
have over the past few months, only to think of
for the White House to distinguish. Who've seen
people on fire, the new homes are built on the
ruins, remembered extinguishing the fire
department? Ambassador Gary Luo Jiahui is indeed
ethnic Chinese, proficient fire never ending not
anxious ---- because it is the truth of someone's
home burned.

For the Chinese side often think that the U.S.
government intervention in the U.S. media
"ulterior motives" reports "Ambassador Gary
Luo Jiahui said," Much of the content of the U.S.
media reported the U.S. government does not
like the message. U.S. government to respect
freedom of the press, and does not put pressure
on the media. '

This is really ridiculous. Seriously the U.S.
media have freedom of speech, whether it means
that the White House is not freedom of speech

As we all know, the after Chen Guangcheng
fled to the United States Embassy. Precisely
Luo Jiahui-handedly created to steal its access into
the embassy, sent​​ embassies, and then received
the ridiculous farce of the United States. Chen
Guangcheng Who are they? But is the United
States, "the Times in 2006 forged a" three fake
"(Gu Xiaojun language). Chen Guangcheng is
mounted blind, not only the "Times" Evidently,
even President Obama has also commissioned a
private assessment agencies, Chen blind 10
seconds unarmed alone climb 4 meters high
walls made entirely negative assessment. U.S.
media, of course there is the freedom of the
press, forged Chen blind activist deeds is
empirical. But if the White House did not exert
influence in which to conceal that assessment
report helped the "Times" to the world. U.S.
media why no one dare Chen blind obvious flaws

Gary Luo Jiahui Ambassador of the so-called
freedom of the press, whether means free of
fraud? Whether it is installed blind fool
freedom? United States really have freedom of
the press, who helped Chan the blind
completely clean up the article "sons of the soil
--- the blind barefoot lawyer Chen Guangcheng"?
White House really non-interference in the
freedom of the press, why Google would say that
the U.S. government is the world of its most
demanding government?

Americans can not know the Chinese
questioned the school headed by Mr. Gu Xiaojun
Chen Guangcheng and his ilk debunk. As a
Chinese-American ambassador to China, Mr.
Luo Jiahui how you can turn a blind eye, so let Chen
blind to become a "fake" American idol, hero?
The day care, stone expose the true face of Chen
blind when even the Chinese Vice Foreign
Minister to visit Mr. Gu Xiaojun blog and leave a
message. Is it for a Chen blind go to war,
dispatched a negotiating team to negotiate with
the Chinese Communists Secretary Clinton at the
U.S. government, the eyes and ears oblivious to
the point of occlusion to Gu, stone questioned

Press freedom in the United States. This is
how ridiculous excuse! Do the authors, the White
House to admit themselves to protect even the
Congress are openly whom the site Chen blind
ilk, just because consonance with the media the
heart of the "Times", "foreign policy" tacit
understanding among you?
Blind ilk 
I do not know Gary Luo Jiahui Ambassador
have not thought about: the White House with
the "freedom of the press," the U.S. media to
foster some semi-literate. "Fake" as the Chinese
democracy Pioneer representatives of purpose,
not that misled the Chinese society toward anti-
intellectual, anti-civilization it?

Of course, the freedom of the press in the
United States. But this freedom is in the White
House with U.S. media willingly manipulated by
the Chinese Communist Party conservative, the
awakening of the Chinese people on the basis of
misleading. Wicked thing is harmful to the
Chinese people, the freedom of the press in the
United States as if playing chicken; For any
benefit to the idea socialof ​​ progress in China,
good thing, U.S. News also unprecedented
freedom --- freedom of silence.

Advise Ambassador Gary Luo Jiahui a right, If you
really want to absolve the White House, do not
do unnecessary afterwards quibble. Your
predecessor --- Ambassador Huntsman can not
hesitate to play the fool, as a fraud 8 million
users, but also tax evasion 7,000,000 prospective
criminals Ai Weiwei "Times" in 2011 the world's
most influential figures of one hundred written
comments that " in terms of the world, Ai Weiwei
continues to represent the hope of China. " If
you do not want to Luo Jiahui Ambassador Learning
Republicans, like blindness, lack of acting, why
do the opposite, to the "Times" Recommended
real thinker ---- Mr. Gu Xiaojun.

As a friendly envoy between China and the
United States, Gary Luo Jiahui, Mr. responsibility, and
also have the ability to introduce real democratic
forces to the U.S. Government and the American
people. Is not so?

If Ambassador Gary Luo Jiahui continue wide open
one eye close one eye, evil. You shut up and do
not quibble White House, never want to utter
what the United States also have the freedom of
the press.

[Shi Sansheng Wednesday,December 19, 2012 09:15] (2012/12/18)




《中国网络民评官百人团》石三生 九州评论·之一千一百四十 写下这个标题时,自己也感到很不好意思。哪有自己感叹自己神奇的啊?一不会像刘谦样玩魔术,二不会像赌棍样出老千。就自己这一把刷子,用一根指头掂量一下就知道几两不是?说什么“神奇”,简直是太不要脸了! 虽然自己不要脸,但...