
To aftertaste Gu Xiaojun Thought Time magazine cheating

To aftertaste Gu Xiaojun Thought Time magazine cheating
   To aftertaste Gu Xiaojun Thought Time magazine cheating
   "China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu Comments • The one hundred seventy-two
   Translator: God has eyes
   Last night, the days of friendly blog China tookthe lead in the "Times unbearable humiliation torefute Shi Sansheng" deleted go, Phoenix,Cadillac followed by Korean media. But the textbicker of a Shi Sansheng For all media, the theHaier tension Gesha it? Maybe, I really made amistake it? Maybe all the media seriously, Irevealed the secret? What a pity!Otherwise, how to say this a ban is not simple,even Google are doped almost came. Open achrome may need ten minutes or one hour orcrash. But Google is voluntary, which claims tobe the world's first security browsers how willmade nervous it?Iraqi who means really powerful, not only myGoogle control, the day before yesterday,unexpectedly Baidu has become undercover.Obama gamble times weekly Gu Xiaojun outwitforeign policy, "former press in, say" essay, Baiduthe two words in the text. The computer fansbegan to rotate crazy, text input is also stuck thepowerful. " here within the meaning of the twowords, one is Xi Jinping, the general secretary ofthe "fed nothing to do"; a blind man's nephewChen "Chen Kegui. Their search results, we havealready seen: Baidu will immediately remove thephotograph set off by the National Emblem ofChen Kegui sentenced news.As if Iraq were deliberately mad at me! RemovedChen Kegui, put the old news of the day beforethe administrative divisions of the new urbanarea Qingdaoof ​​. This news, even closely relatedto Shi Sansheng: with the secret police of theend of the case of my fate know Shi Sanshengpossessed had to sell the house, is to raise themoney invested was not optimistic about hasnow become Qingdao Xinshi District project ah!Remembered My teacher said, "they have a largenumber of psychological experts" can not helpbut gasped. Only a dead blind, even angeredBaidu robot so go to war! I wonder, why do youwant to dismiss Chen Kegui news! Aresentenced, afraid hype this?Look back on this one block rampant coverinitiated by Mr. Gu Xiaojun November 6, "foughtstart. It was also during thisafter Shi Sansheng overseas first re-lost WorldWide Web, after the loss of a worry-free two blog,even Der Spiegel also dark, Ming hanging a fewdays the virus; domestic re-locked the blog Dailyalready wants to come a few blog articles almostdeleted bankrupt.Propaganda Department adults such acts.Trance, I actually think that the "Times" istantamount to national media, publicationsissued by the central authorities. Otherwise, howwill Hudu so eager to do?Yes, even if the "Times" is not the party media,there must be Iraq who shares where. No goodcan not afford early Chinese Communist not afool not? Had nothing to do, so why mess withMr. Gu Xiaojun and Shi Sansheng teacher andstudent were? Even Xi Jinping, the generalsecretary said Western forces like "Yes, havenothing to do". Led by Mr. Gu Xiaojun Gudisciples, care excluding the dough to fame andfortune, not to CPC penny, to Western forces tosay "no", and even expose the ugly face of thewestern forces. This is not beneficial to theChinese Communists a great thing? Do not takethe mountain view tiger even. How also elbowsoutwards Shui, helping the fight against Westernforces since Mr. Gu Xiaojun it? This is not a QinHui help the enemy framed Zhongliang's style?Really do not understand the ChineseCommunists! Western forces are of course backedby the Western democracies in. If ye do peoplelearn to do everything you say Western forces,said Western forces is not good, you will not bethis helped Western forces to combat GuXiaojun; Why say "never," "Five to pursue the"?Do not know you so preaches, will lead thePeople's ideological confusion and disoriented?"Times" What good? Not a self-righteous anti-intellectualism, anti-civilization breakingmagazines? Chen Guangcheng, Han, Ai Weiwei,not fitted blind is ghostwriter things likefundraising and refusal to pay taxes, or defraudusers. Sure enough, these people become themainstream of society, and true than the evil ofthe feudal society but also the root of all evil ahundred times?Fitted blind not to lie to you?Ghostwriter not lie to you?Tax evasion not lie to you?CCP really want to "beautiful" building into a"liar"?2010, entering the network people rated officerone hundred people group "Shi Sansheng Iwrote" go and times to see Han cheating. At first,we thought it was only Han and his accompliceswere unilaterally taking dirty tricks to getyourself into the era of man of the rankings. Nowthink of them, I'm afraid is Zhou Yu hit Huang Gai a wishmake a wish to suffer!Shit public vote? Not want who on who you ontime! Together with the time that the 200candidates for a bright light, that, as Mr. GuXiaojun, get more than one hundred articlesXiong Wen recommended? There which thinkerssuch as Mr. Gu Xiaojun, could write "thepopulist democratic values", Gu Xiaojun'democratic values, "the trend of democraticvalues", "justice is the first values", "just"?Even if these are not, time to advertise to thephoto of the hanging Xi Jinping, the generalsecretary of the vote for ai wiewei solicitation,not that cheating?
   [Shi Sansheng Tuesday, December 4, 2012 05:36 China]




《中国网络民评官百人团》石三生 九州评论·之一千一百四十 写下这个标题时,自己也感到很不好意思。哪有自己感叹自己神奇的啊?一不会像刘谦样玩魔术,二不会像赌棍样出老千。就自己这一把刷子,用一根指头掂量一下就知道几两不是?说什么“神奇”,简直是太不要脸了! 虽然自己不要脸,但...