
Please Ban Ki-moon to conduct a thorough investigation the Malala Yousafzai to defraud the United Nations's case

Please Ban Ki-moon to conduct a thorough investigation the Malala Yousafzai to defraud the United Nations's case

"China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu
Comments • two hundred sixty-two

Translator: God has eyes 

Dear Secretary-General of the United Nations,
Mr. Ban Ki:

Tell you a secret: Mr. Pan you are my idol; Mr.
Gu Xiaojun first "the public impartiality" my life
creed. At the same time, but I am interested in
your plain speaking but another reason --- the
same boat, crooks abhorrence, let me in suffering
from the pain of the Weifang municipal
government fraud to Mr. Ban Ki-moon insisted
again and again into the remonstrance.

Dear Mr. Ban Ki Moon, said Mr. Gu Xiaojun the
"fraud Nobel Peace Prize century of major just a
warning. So, to "malala certainly not in bullets,"
the advent of undoubtedly certainly a great
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is malala gang
(Malala Yousafzai) fraud. Obviously, fraud Nobel
Peace Prize also just a premeditated; fraud
Secretary-General Ban has already ruse succeed
--- November 10 by the United Nations
generously granted a swindler and a female

Dear Mr. Ban Ki Moon, I do not know how it feels
when you are aware of their own fraud? Like I
wished he could be damn crooks and everything
in exposure, to allow them to receive severely
punished by the law, public opinion condemned
it? Poon, do not succumb to the liar despotic
power, not condone the acts of the crooks,
should be the shared responsibility of us all
honest people? Mr. Gu Xiaojun civilians of the
body, still dare to expose the former Chinese
Communist ideology, "a mortal big scam. Mr.
Ban Ki-no matter how high, is it will not tolerate
a defrauding the female liar impunity "malala Day"?

Dear Mr. Ban Ki Moon, malala (Malala Yousafzai)
is a liar! You need to personally summoned her,
or send your envoys and to his surprise the
traces of her two after surgery, the answer
becomes clear in the chest. Presumably Mr. Pan
has to do that, right? The great Mr. Ban Ki Moon
must also be a resort to life to defend his
innocence, right? Mr. Gu Xiaojun "card Ming
Panji Date malala" of course, is non-existent. If
you only knew the United Nations and Mr. Pan
simply silent, whether to make the world
mistakenly thought Mr. Gu Xiaojun "proof" is not
groundless? That the female crook malala
(Malala Yousafzai) indeed looks pleasant, smile
hundred pro-life back ah!

Dear Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Chinese people like to say
"when off constantly, will be troubled.Do wrong once and you'll never hear the end of it which! Your second term as Secretary-
General of the United Nations, not because you
have made an outstanding contribution to the
maintenance of world peace, the effective
implementation of the Charter of the United
Nations? Having said that mankind, but few will
understand, Mr. Ban Ki due diligence done? As
that Chinese Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Longji,
how good an emperor! "The Kaiyuan the
governance called the Tang dynasty. Not just
because patronize on a Concubine Yang on
falling Chiaki infamy!

Well, Spring has just begun, and the recovery of
all things, the great Mr. Ban Ki Moon is a very
wise person! I'm sure you will not disappoint me
---- one of your loyal fans expect. Mr. Pan I do
not know, you can not blame Once you know the
the female crook malala (Malala Yousafzai) true
colors, will chair the public impartiality, to
cancel "malala Day" and female liar and his
accomplices punishment of law. ! To deceive the
United Nations crime of Utah may be forgiven,
but to deceive the United Nations in order to
deceive the world all minors sinister, destined to
become the world's public enemy to back Chiaki
infamy, quilt and grandchildren will never

Dear Mr. Ban Ki Moon, again ask you to conduct
a thorough investigation malala (Malala
Yousafzai) gang fraud while, look at Mr. Gu
Xiaojun "the public impartiality values. Take your
great wisdom, and judge whether "the public
impartiality" whether it be called when the
world to maintain the value of a model between
the countries and peoples, and the National. If
it is, you suggested that the United Nations set
up a a "Gu Xiaojun day" it! I believe a Mr. Gu
Xiaojun certainly can withstand questioned
around the world!

[Shi Sansheng Monday, February 11, 2013 4:11 china]




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