
Please Mr. Ban Ki to be concerned with "malala shootings"'s preposterous

Please Mr. Ban Ki to be concerned with "malala shootings"'s preposterous
"China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu Comments • two hundred fifty-eight
Translator: God has eyes
Dear Secretary-General of the United Nations,
Mr. Ban Ki:
Honestly, I'm your fans, but it is also well-known
Chinese writer, the great thinker Mr. Gu Xiaojun
founded "the public impartiality values of​​ the
first, I said ---" will stop at nothing to stand up
for your reputation. fight. "
Said we should do. To this end, I'm going to
overcome the difficulties of mainland network
settings, trying to collect the relevant Pakistani
girls malala was shooting "malala Day" for the
United Nations to set up to make a favorable
But search more and more am British and
Pakistanis and your men are cheating you juggle
Yesterday, in the search to malala is another
version of the shooting: Karachi, Pakistan -
Wednesday, doctors removed from the shootings
by Taliban Pakistani female students Malala
Yousafzai body a bullet. ", I deliberately solicited
My son ---- a the peers malala children view:
I hand gun pointed at his head and asked (he is
Ordnance Knowledge fans, of course, he was
sitting, and I standing): "So shoot bullets will
not stay in the head?"
Brats without hesitation: "Dad, you is not
something wrong with it? Range of the world's
shortest pistol, impossible.", He did not forget to
come to a mantra --- "This is too pit father!"
Of course, I have not the nerve to tell him that
this is it attention from all over the world, the
United Nations ad hoc "malala Day true story.
Believe it or not, the United Nations has for the
story of the pit father has set up a special day,
wantonly to the world of adults, minors
Dear Mr. Ban Ki-century of major fraud Nobel
Peace Prize ", as My teacher Mr. Gu Xiaojun
said:" Excuse me, my disciples foreigners - at
close range, Headshot, must be: into the bomb
at , a bullet hole; out shells at, ripped off a
chunk of that there is no other possible. "Shi
Sansheng I am a layman does not understand
ordnance common sense.
Since it is a layman, the question came: to now,
malala was shooting at least have two versions:
one is the "bullet from malala above the left eye
into, through the right cheek; one The doctors
removed a bullet from female students in
Pakistan by Taliban shooting Malala Yousafzai
body. "
These two versions, my teacher and my son has
made a judgment categorically denied. Mr. Ban
Ki-moon, my pain Oh, I do not know who to
believe; people around the world are seriously,
would you like me painful?
Dear Mr. Ban Ki Moon, I know the UN Qunxian
blend of all kinds of weapons experts, such as
river carp, in order to determine the authenticity
of the two versions of the shootings malala a
task. In order to unify the heroic deeds of
"malala Day, whether you should also be ordered
to conduct a thorough investigation into what
malala by shootings?
Dear Mr. Ban Ki Moon, you said, there might ----
Taliban has invented a range pistol the
ultrashort distance of one meter?
Dear Mr. Ban Ki Moon, to talk about your true
feelings of my heart: a hurriedly quietly canceled
extremely rigorous "malala Day! My teacher Mr.
Gu Xiaojun shot, chances are brought "malala
Day in turn spent. You is not to advocate the
establishment of the a "Gu Xiaojun day"? In fact,
I Gu dough feel: the Nobel Peace Prize, the
moment the world except Mr. Gu Xiaojun! For
your reference only.
Again Zhuzun Jing Mr. Ban Ki-China Year of
Family Fun! Wish all UN weapons experts are all
the best!
[Shi Sansheng Thursday, February 7, 2013 4:21 china]




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