
To the Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi's open letter

To the Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi's open letter

"China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu
Comments • two hundred eighteen

Translator: God has eyes

Among all know the great female country
Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi may be the most
respectable. I admiration, perhaps there is a
little jealous, jealous looks better than China is
still lagging behind in Myanmar, even one step
ahead and started to enter human by far the
best form of society --- democracy.

Indeed, in the last year that the abolition of the
news blackout in Myanmar, after the freedom of
speech. Pro Yuan Xian fish when Myanmar
footsteps, more Chinese will eventually step
toward democracy, to freedom of expression of
civilization is full of expectations. As an ordinary
citizen, as a pen to criticize the government and
the Central Propaganda Department, Royal
Decree blocked blog writer, Shi Sansheng my
the Chinese Communists eighteen greatest hope
is to safeguard the dignity of the constitution,
but also the people's natural rights to freedom
of expression.

Today, from neighboring Myanmar freedom of
speech, less than a year, the new Secretary-
General of the CPC, Xi Jinping, the President also
pledged to "emancipate the mind" Dignity of
Constitution. Despite learning the total
commitment, such as his "renaissance dream the
same dream-like, a little while and can not see
the actual benefits of the (Chinese Communist
Party has always said than done good, with the
big 忽悠 Zhao Benshan a virtue. Otherwise, the
old Zhao how ten years accounted for CCTV does
not fall?) But being the so-called "king joke",
strive learning total, of course, would not
understand even the emperors of the feudal
society all know the truth. A freedom of speech,
though it can not be done overnight, but
already the day will dawn, ready to come out.

It is also in this season of the Ming darker, not
only the Chinese Communists need to add the
"positive energy" (Xi Jinping language) and
accelerated toward "Return" to avoid repeating
to deceive the public in the past. After eighty-
nine extreme oppression bitter people, even
more is needed the assistance of the "positive
energy" early "freedom from fear" (Aung San Suu
Kyi Topic). Chinese people most in need of
"positive energy", of course, is hope on Earth all
normal countries, including the United Nations,
Mr. Ban Ki including like solidarity with Aung
San Suu Kyi in solidarity can truly represent the
interests of the general living beings people
founder of the doctrine --- Mr. Gu Xiaojun.

I see the Nobel Peace Prize selection rules,
seems to organizations or individuals are eligible
to recommend Peace Prize candidate must have
been recognized by the judges. Because of fears
that China Network China official one hundred
assessment group "does not have the promise
jury the so-called" qualified "and therefore do
not take the liberty, hoping to get the former
Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi
Recommended: Recommended Mr. Gu Xiaojun as
2013 Nobel Peace Prize candidate.

Aung San Suu Kyi's name is famous in the
network. Gu Xiaojun its people but because of
the Chinese Communist Party for several years
Mr. Gu Xiaojun and his followers strong
suppression and blocked Aung San Suu Kyi has
been under house arrest until last year is likely
to not know. Honor to Aung San qualities Ms.
brief Gu Xiaojun and Gu Xiaojun doctrine.

Mr. Gu Xiaojun biography and life stories can be
found in Wikipedia --- "Gu Xiaojun. Mr. Gu
Xiaojun first "the public impartiality values" and
"the public impartiality but to stand in the
forefront of mankind sociology point in the"
Western democracy "and Marxist-socialist
Achilles heel:" Western democracy, "there is no
universal values that​​ transcend state boundaries
--- justice; ultimate goal of socialism ---
communism, simply balderdash.

Gu Xiaojun doctrine set sail in 2008, four years
writing more than 2,000 articles covering
philosophy, sociology, democracy and economic
thought, political commentary, there are
numerous spectacular.

Gu Xiaojun 'distinctive "eye for an eye, but also
a man as body, blocked feign compliance
through the Chinese Communists, will be
counted on to expose the CCP's shameless and
exhortations. From "a mortal scam" began, the
Chinese Communists that were so, the line trick,
at their own the alleged subversion "event, to
intimidate, to fool people face unveiled Dier

As we all know, the Chinese Communists came to
power under the guise of "well-being for the
people", the Chinese Communists certainly did
not want in the world admit to ignoring the
Constitution, saying that to do varying trick. Han
packaging in order to fool the people, the
Chinese Communist Party is painstakingly:
Sanxing I Lu Xun, China, Russia, and Japan will
not hesitate dressed as a great revolutionary
thinkers; hesitate to even middle school concept
does not go into a literary master; hesitate to
spend a hundred million heavily employment of
hundreds of people, just to create a fake blind of
Chen Guangcheng the rights scam. CCP's really
reached a pinnacle in the play, and even the
European and American countries and from all
walks of life, including President Obama, the
United States Congress, the President of the
European Parliament, a number of human rights
organizations, including dignitaries cheat's hard
to tell is true or false. Even in 2012, overseas
also hinted that even the Nobel Peace Prize are
prepared to grant to Chen Guangcheng, Gao
Zhisheng, Ai Weiwei, et al.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest by the
Myanmar military experience, of course,
conceivable that the Chinese Communists under
house arrest for a blind man Chen Guangcheng
absurd costing tens of millions each year. No
wonder President Obama could not believe the
story of Chen Guangcheng Great Escape
commissioned to assess the institutions to
establish authenticity.

Dear Ms. Suu Kyi, and sincerely hope that you
can achieve "freedom from fear" in the people of
Burma have been leveling a little love and
sympathy, concern about democracy and human
rights in China. You recommended to the
winning of the Nobel Prize winner, Mr. Gu

[Shi Sansheng Thursday, January 3, 2013 15:58 China]




《中国网络民评官百人团》石三生 九州评论·之一千一百三十八 不得不说,百度真的很厉害,数日间,就将骗子何俊成所在的成都旋风鸣学洗了个干干净净。搜狐网就更是卖力,一连串的新闻发出来,让人眼花缭乱,想不迷失都很困难。 好在,尽管是在第二页,但也有网友向黑猫投诉,要求成都旋风鸣...