
Why the Dalai Lama Recommended Gu Xiaojun (3)

Why the Dalai Lama Recommended Gu Xiaojun (3)

Why the Dalai Lama Recommended Gu Xiaojun (3)
"China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu Comments • two hundred thirty-two

Translator: God has eyes

Nobel Peace Prize, as the name suggests, is the
hope that the country peace, world peace, and
all mankind meaning of peace. On evil
authoritarian as Saddam, Gaddafi and his ilk, of
course, only an eye for an eye. So, President
Obama became the winner of the Nobel Peace
Prize. President Obama to violence with violence,
the peace achieved in different ways, Mahatma
Gandhi's non-violent way to lead India to get rid
of the colonial rule of the British Empire. And
non-violence, is not it is also the Dalai Lama to
get the main cause of the Nobel Peace Prize?
However, Gu Xiaojun advocates agree that non-
violence is the best way to achieve peace.
Quedui Nobel Peace Prize because of Gandhi's
success plunged into "civil disobedience"
Misunderstanding find themselves unable to
have their own views, namely: "not opposed to
the revolution, do not advocate the sacrifice". As
Mr. Gu Xiaojun said: "There is only one correct"
India, there were hundreds of millions of people,
only tens of millions of people, to go to India
colonists (including his wife, children) there will
not be hundreds of million. less than one
percent of India can advocate "non-cooperative"
in isolation, the colonists eventually squeeze out
the purpose of China, "Han three swindlers,"
said a total of 80 million party members, plus
the families of more than three hundred million,
loud noise isolation? been forcibly evicted
people petition is to solve the problem,
publicize the "non-cooperation" not just kind of
do? "the idea nonof ​​-violence, standing on the
point of view of the Dalai Lama, both from the
Buddha starting ideas, or from the Jokhang
Temple "of the Tibetan people and the Chinese
people in their respective lands a happy
life" (823 years of Chinese emperor commitment),
are undoubtedly correct. Said Gu Xiaojun
thinking that they do not agree does not mean
that the Dalai Lama's non-violent democratic
movement in China is wrong. We should see:
Indian independence achieved, in addition to
the factors mentioned by Mr. Gu Xiaojun, have a
great relationship with the colonists of the
British Empire ruled. If the occupiers replaced
the Nazi slaughter of the Jews or burning and
looting manufacture of the Nanjing Massacre,
the Japanese Imperial Army, believe that
Mahatma Gandhi's civil disobedience "in
conjunction with" I have no enemies "as a
mockery. I do not know the end to see how the
self-immolation of the Dalai Lama, Tibetans (over
the wall also can not open the video)? I can see
in the attitude of the North American
representative of the Dalai Lama, apparently
deplored. Self-immolation, in the end, such as
Hua Xia Limin * said, is a Buddhist faith (caused
Xi Jinping open letter)? Or, as mentioned by the
Chinese Communist? But in any case, I agree
with the views of Mr. Gu Xiaojun --- "Life is
precious. Since shared life is precious, Gu
Xiaojun advocates, of course, is not to advocate
the unnecessary sacrifice. Or the phrase Mr. Gu
Xiaojun new thinking in Southern weeks events:
"As long as the Chinese Communist Party, to be
able to keep up with the trend of democracy in
the world, it may not necessarily be eliminated
Communist China; However, we must eliminate
the CCP, those with regulations and officials on
the trend of the world's great democracies. "with
the Communist game, when Master Li of the
public to fierce eighty-nine, can not stop the the
CPC toward unconstitutional control social, and
strictly control the road to freedom of
expression, only Gu Xiaojun ' can really bless the
reformers within the communist system, and to
come to the fore, and longevity. I would like to
remind the Dalai Lama: at Purdue 10 worshipers
while to see Mr. Gu Xiaojun "Southern Weekly
events behind secret. Dalai Lama is Buddha
exile, may not be able to experience hot with
the temperature in the Chinese society like our
continent. Just because writing an open letter to
the Dalai Lama, the Shi Sansheng I encountered the most serious since the Internet
interference. Have named only a few powder, the
few laps Friends push and Google are waste.
This is not, because the letter to the Dalai Lama,
even leads away, I quickly dashed own
experience, "the alternative black play ----
Weifang municipal government fraud the whole
story" are not deleted is blocked Bo. Said
seeking the Dalai Lama recommend Mr. Gu
Xiaojun involved politically sensitive words have
nothing. What say Mr. Gu Xiaojun Shi Sansheng
be fraud involving politically sensitive words?
Mr. Gu this article less than 400 words,
throughout the just mentioned the fact that Shi
Sansheng own experience. If it is the Weifang
Municipal suspect alleged defamation can sue to
me ah! To utter what involving politically
sensitive words? This is not just being a letter to
the Dalai Lama, gave me shoes to wear this?
Childhood see large, the canary in the coal
mine, and I believe in the wisdom of the Dalai
Lama, can tell right from wrong. Shi Sansheng
my speech or abrupt, but I hope that the
Chinese society is getting better and better,
more democratic, more and more civilized heart,
is the same as with the Dalai Lama. Please
recommend Mr. Gu Xiaojun! He is the deserved
peace envoy, he is a messenger of peace Zhiyong
both. Mr. Gu Xiaojun Chinese Communist
history, about the history of New China, the first
all slander, but get him no way a great thinker,
because either the past or in the future, no one,
it is impossible to "the public impartiality is the first values"​​refute!

[Shi Sansheng Monday, January 14, 2013 5:51 china]




《中国网络民评官百人团》石三生 九州评论·之一千一百四十 写下这个标题时,自己也感到很不好意思。哪有自己感叹自己神奇的啊?一不会像刘谦样玩魔术,二不会像赌棍样出老千。就自己这一把刷子,用一根指头掂量一下就知道几两不是?说什么“神奇”,简直是太不要脸了! 虽然自己不要脸,但...