To the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee recommendation letters (a)
"China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu
Comments • two hundred fourteen
Translator: God has eyes
before: just Athens, do not let me landing had to reset the
password. Mischief children of people trying to
tell me something? There are words in the text
after confessed wish. 】 Time passes so quickly,
the smoke of the Nobel Peace Prize is not casual,
already in 2013. On the occasion of the
universally welcome, "China Network China the
assessment officer Hundred" solemn jury
recommended to the Nobel Peace Prize 2013
candidates ---- Chinese mainland famous writer,
thinker, political economist, Mr. Gu Xiaojun. First
of all, please allow me to express my apologies to
you: If it is because of our 2012 Annual the
recommended lead Jury chicken changed their
mind, the Peace Prize was awarded to the EU.
Should have been that it makes one become like
an April Fool's joke, did not play like magic
granted to Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi as the
most important awards in the world to promote
peace and progress of human society. The
enthusiasm of the recommendation, the result is
just the opposite. It is contrary to our
expectations, and we feel very embarrassed.
However, we are more worried about the jury
blinded Peace Prize error to grant Chen
(Guangcheng) Ai (Weiwei) (Zhisheng), to promote
the role of a more civilized society in China not
only did not achieve it, it would lead to China's
human rights, democracy march backwards. The
progress of human society, the black sheep than
the fake and shoddy. Control of these fake
people or goods. In fact, even if we do not say, I
believe to the your human wisdom developed
countries, but also be able to distinguish
between true or false, you get one-sided desk
easily be misled by it. Such as Chen
Guangcheng, of course you should be able to
expect: a 18-year-old or a standard of illiteracy,
plus blindness of people, how could read only
several years of school for the blind, to become
one of the China Law Society legal experts, a
visiting scholar in the United States? Chen
Guangcheng is a "fake" (Gu Xiaojun language),
which is well aware of the fact that even the
"Times". For example, in 2006, the Times said in
its Man of Chen Guangcheng introduction: "Yet
three hours after meeting with TIME in Beijing
to discuss the issue, Chen was shoved into an
unmarked vehicle by public-security agents from
his hometown. (see Shi Sansheng "time for
obama president dug three pits"). Rather the
Chen Guangcheng own complaint form, but
claimed to have been men kidnapped six public
security officers, pushed him in a car away
models for Santana 2000, the license plate
number Lu the B13237 (See Shi Sansheng
"activist lawyer Chen blind a model of the
"Three Represents"). The same thing that he was
the parties "Times" reporter described wrong of,
is not that typical fraud? As for Chen
Guangcheng can in 10 seconds to escape the
guards to hand over a four-meter high wall, even
President Obama are entrusted to the private
assessment agencies made entirely negative
assessment. Said The Chen Guangcheng able to
distinguish the color of the rose, to pull out of
the ground in the field dish, have undoubtedly
proved that he is an out-and-out "three fake. If
the Peace Prize of the judges had really said
such rumors, intends Peace Prize was awarded
Chen Ai Middle School. Know we expose the
truth about whether inverted gasped, heartfelt
thanks to Mr. Gu Xiaojun and Shi Sansheng
expose it? I do not know the Peace Prize judges
have not thought about: Why Peace Prize to
Aung San Suu Kyi, will be able to promote the
progress and civilization of the Myanmar society;
Peace Prize awarded to Liu Xiaobo results, but it
did not, but slowed the pace of progress in
China not only Liu Xiaobo "behind bars", caused
by the human rights cause in China strides
backwards? With the Peace Prize, why the role of
China and Myanmar, the two neighboring
countries will be such a huge difference
between? Reasons, whether it is the Peace Prize
judges always unwittingly reward "backward"
sake? Of course, above all a thing of the past. In
the new year, we should look forward. In 2013,
doomed to a year of the most anticipated in the
history of China and in letters. CPC headed by Xi
Jinping new leaders forge ahead, not only to
emancipate the mind, to uphold the dignity of
the Constitution, but also to "talk about the
country, hard work and prosperous country."
Such as China, necessarily means "false, will
gradually lose market risk, pseudo, bad". Trying
to rejuvenation of the Chinese people, naturally
no longer agree with some, such as Chen
Guangcheng like the fake blinded by their own
mind. In view of this, China Network China the
assessment officer Hundred "join forces" taking
care of dough "Mr. Gu Xiaojun formally
recommended to the judges of the Nobel Peace
[Shi Sansheng Tuesday, January 1, 2013 13:30 China]
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