Offbeat Underworld community to combat mode---Weifang municipal government fraud the whole story
"China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group" Shi Sansheng Kyushu
Comments • two hundred thirty-nine
Translator: God has eyes
Chapter Ⅲ Weifang municipal government forged evidence
Land Bureau the outset directly involved in the
forgery of the relevant procedures, in case I did
not show up, Attn not my power of attorney, on
illegal land alteration registration. But, I did not
expect the defenShit Weifang municipal
government Dugan forged even dignified Weifang
City Mayor Xu will disregard such a sense of
shame. V. Weifang City Land Bureau, Weifang
Municipal People's Government of administrative
litigation court, due to the other is not within
the statutory time to change the registered land
valuation report, the trial judge allowed to pay
within three days after the Court . Perhaps
because of the too hasty time's sake, this false
report flawed: error assessment methods. Not my
signature, nor commissioned time, the most
absurd, even the assessment fee. In this era of
market economy, how can there be a fool
assessment strangers chaos. Even the streets of
fortune, the most incompetent, but also to
blackmail you three yuan corners of it! Shandong
Province National Land Agency under Prudential
real estate appraisal company, how might be
interested in me so good? Him far more than
200 kilometers, ran to the the Weifang
establishment of a branch, the trading of this
free service for the people it is designed to dry?
Of course, is nonsense not. Court on cross-
examination that it is a forgery. But the judge
did not pipe despite be believed. Helpless, I
began looking for the public security department
under the crime of providing false documents
and reports, to find Procuratorate report, the
public security and procuratorate to my answer
is that if the court was unlawfully transferred to
them the investigation and handling of cases
will naturally. No way, I had to look it up
yourself. It really is hard work pays off. Actually I
found a land valuation report signed confession
of one Appraisers: her in Texas, not in Fidelity's
work, just lend Appraiser Certificate Fidelity,
Fidelity's monthly give her $ 500 benefits. And
she has never been to Weifang, more can not be
done to my real estate assessment. Incidentally,
I also found that the original assessment of more
than one billion of Shandong Fidelity Real Estate
Appraisal Company trickery are so. Leg to stand
apart from that he did not forget to report to
the National Land Agency. Report the results, of
course, is no. Get the of Appraisers phone
recording, I started looking for Fidelity to the
argument. A Fidelity company began to panic, a
few phone calls back and forth, the other frankly
and directly said to me: "confiscated money, may
do you assess ah no way, I ran to find
Procuratorate thought this false evidence I got.
Procuratorate should have no reason to care,
right? I did not think Weifang's Procuratorate I
Report, has not said tube, do not say regardless,
they steal, administrative litigation Seeing five
months over complaints deadline to almost brain
damage reason, Land Bureau to do extraordinary
speed by the Shandong Provincial Procuratorate
protest. Of course, this is something for the
future. I got the land valuation report the false
telephone recording, Weifang Intermediate
People's Court continues to go its own way, the
Land Bureau and the municipal government of
this evidence is considered legitimate. This first
meeting with the Weifang Municipal Land
Bureau, the city government is particularly
thrilling contentious! All of my open-court, only
this time the most solemn judges one by one to
wear robes do not say that sidesplitting verdict
is confidential to the last minute. Before the
judgment day, good-hearted people also tell me
little hope of winning it. Tribunal after he had
been Vice-President of specialized administrative
tribunal's words to the effect, that is, talked to
me and I believe that the judge, they are still
more than good. Just a grievous loss, I have the
concept of the so-called good guys, I could not
get a little touched! If you are nice, why not
shall be prosecuted for the crimes of the
municipal government and the Land Bureau
forged evidence? My mother's death, do with
these good people did not dare to enforce the
law impartially relationship! Also used to refine
the Weifang City Mayor Xu full IQ. Ordinarily,
this point can be mingled hanging Ph.D. title,
should not be so mentally retarded are so full of
loopholes, and even forged a report. Scrutiny, Xu
mayor First underestimated I Shi Sansheng IQ;
two Xu wholly wrong to think that all the judges
told him, like right and wrong, trickery. Although
my mother was not scared to death Xu whole
fake land valuation report. Full fake land
valuation report from Xu later as seen his letters,
he wrote Speedpost apply for administrative
reconsideration, we already know that the land
valuation report and approval procedures are not
fake is illegal . Whenever He also conscience,
how will allow the case all the way to the
development to get out of control it? Fool could
see hearts if not a ghost, detract from the
Weifang municipal government legal
representative Xu Quan, why he will shamelessly
forged an involved value 670,000 Land Valuation
report (that is, the amount of land transfer
agreement forged) it? Mayor Xu full either a
ignoramuses idiot either handle in the hands of
the Land Bureau. In addition to this, who will
give me a reasonable explanation for it?
[Shi Sansheng Wednesday, January 16, 2013
5:17 china]
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